Visual website editing for individualists

Nitropage is an extensible, drag and drop website builder based on SolidStart, completely free and open source.Version: 0.66.2 (released 8. March)
Screenshot of the page editor


Not headless. Mindful.

A blank canvas

Nitropage is a design-focused toolbox, with a library of 36 versatile blueprints (building blocks). Each new page starts as a blank canvas, ready for your imagination.


The page editor comes with inline richtext editing, drag and drop, responsive viewport handles, zoom and color schemes simulation.

Don't repeat yourself

Define project-wide defaults and override them per element. Create reusable layouts, consisting of multiple elements, slots and other layouts.

No artificial limitations

Every feature is available to all users. CSS isn't locked behind a "premium" plan. Self hosting fonts is simple, but you can also use a privacy-friendly CDN.



  • Focus on designable elements instead of structured data.
  • Keep a balance between the needs of content creators, designers and developers.
  • Simplify the deployment of small websites.


  • Compatibility with old browsers is not a priority.
  • Updates are installed by developers, not by users.
  • A Nitropage specific hosting service is redundant, if the deployment is a walk in the park.

Frequently asked questions

Table of Content

Currently there exists no serve-ready, hosted plan for Nitropage, so for the moment you need a developer with some DevOps and Nodejs experience. The mid-term goal is to simplify the hosting process as much as possible and provide free videos explaining the installation process.Interested in working with Katja (the pioneer)? Ditto! You can find my contact details in the Contact section, I am eagerly awaiting your request!The Solid communityAlternatively you can also join the friendly Solid-community discord and post your inquiry in the #nitropage or #job-opportunities channel.

Involved technology

Let's chat!


If you need support for your website, troubleshooting an issue, or have any feedback to share, don't hesitate to reach out.

Submit an Issue

Directly share issues with the developers and discuss solutions.


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Solid Discord

The Solid Discord server is a place to chat about everything related to Solid, including Nitropage.


Lufrai Community

Freely talk about Nitropage and other topics related to Lufrai.
